Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5 Crazy but Natural SEO optimization tricks for your blog

These are some of the crazy but natural SEO optimization methods that we don’t hear a lot but it really works in the long run. So let’s read, learn these crazy but effective SEO tricks.

Keywords in image alter tags

We love to add images on our post, don’t we? Images are labeled as IMAGE1, PICTURE1, PHOTO_1 etc. I have labeled my image acording to what the image represents. This is a cool way to get search traffic even from image search results.

Popular forum and discussions

When you write a new post, add the same post on forums/ popular discussion sites. It’s not spamming, some site allows you to promote your blog posts. Add the post title as the thread title and linkback from the thread. Here you get some traffic from the forum, get a link and additionally these established sites rank higher in different keywords. So where your main article is no where near in the top listing, these forum thread will be there who are linking to your original article.

Social media aggregators

Most people don’t care about aggregators such as friendfeed, peoplepond or facebook. If you post your links on social media such as twitter or digg, it will appear on different aggregators too. The cross linking works well in SEO terms and soon you will get more links pointing to your article as the snowball rolls.

Links on the footer

Most website owners love to put the important page links on the footer section; it’s not only making the site user friendly, but also giving a good SEO boost. The footer appears on all of your blog posts or pages, that means you are getting linked back from all of your pages back to your own site.

Using heading tags

You see when I write posts, I make my whole article into small paragraphs, plus I add a sub title for each of the paragraphs. I do this because I want my reader to feel comfortable while reading short paragraphs. The sub title also gives an idea on what the paragraph is all about. But the main thing is, the sub titles are done with “Heading 2” tag. Search bots take good care of the text inside the heading tags and because I add keywords inside the heading, I get more SEO juice.

What else can be done?

Please tell me what things you do to make your site SEO friendly? For good seo, we get better traffic and can earn more money online; please do share your personal SEO tips and share this post on your favorite site.


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