Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Millionaire Mindset

Have you ever wondered why there are many people who are so wealthy and many so poor or even average leading a life from pay cheque to pay cheque? I am sure you must have seen people who seem to be most skilled and yet not so rich and wealthy while there are many who are not educated and yet so rich and wealthy? What makes the difference? Do they have a magic wand to use and generate load of money? If the well learned were to the richest the so called Financial Guru’s and Business Guru’s must be the wealthiest people in the world. The fact is they are no so! So there is a difference not in the skills but, you said it right in the attitude, what I call as the Mindset

It is just a way of thinking, a reason of belief that makes the difference. The subconscious mind is so powerful that what you perceive is true will become true. An important factor that does not make people rich and wealthy is the beliefs they carry. Certain beliefs include

  • I don’t have a strong family to support me
  • I am not lucky enough to be so rich
  • I don’t have enough experience to venture into new things to make money
  • Many things to make money are risky
  • If you want to be rich you need to be illegal and unethical

Take a minutes time and be honest to yourself and list all these kind of limiting beliefs that you. If you say, investing in stock market is risky, that’s a limiting belief in itself for the simple reason that if this was true, never could Warren Buffet, be one of the richest man in the world.

Whatever you have listed, its time you broke these beliefs and move forward. These are like chains that are tied to your leg, when they actually are not and its just a perception that you have that they are tied and they are pulling you. The fact being that you are pulling yourself.

In the movie, the Mission Impossible – II, the villain in the movie, Sean Ambrose (Casted by Dougray Scott) says “I would prefer to be a billionaire rather than be a popper”. The choice is always yours. Just imagine the day you are in your death bed, you are surrounded with your loved ones, only to realize that you have not given them what they truly deserved. Then do you think you would be happy? And isn’t it important that you die peacefully and happily. Unless you change your beliefs it can never happen.

Here are 5 important mindsets of a Millionaires.

  1. Think Big: Believe that you too can be millionaire or even billionaire
  2. Generous: Share more and create value for people
  3. Focus: Know what to focus on and get what the want
  4. Learn: Always Millionaires are ready to learn and invest on learning
  5. Passion: Love what you do, and do what you love


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